Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Brylee's birthday present!!!

Brylee turns 3 on the 18th. I can't believe how fast 3 years has gone. She is so energetic and full of love. We kept asking her if she wanted a swing set, but she insisted on a trampoline. So us and the grandparents pitched in and got her one(really it's something everyone can use :) She is really enjoying it. Here is some video of her jumping and doing a flip sissy taught her. Oh and Baby and Luke are the horses. And don't mind the lovely attire. That is a pink dance leotard, she insists on wearing it all the time :)

Friday, August 01, 2008


CALIFORNIA!!!! Here we come...oh wait Brylee has to go potty. That's right I packed a potty in the van, it helped not having to find a bathroom and by time everybody goes in, your looking at a 30 minute stop. I would suggest this to everyone :) Ok really though lets get going!

We had a barbecue at Aunt Connie and Skips Sunday for Becky and Jon's birthdays!

After barbecuing it was time to go in the hot tub. Hunter wasn't fond of the water so Papa was teaching him how to dance on the fire pit.

Underwood Farm

We spent one day at the farm. The kids had so much fun. Brylee and Jackson got to ride on the ponies. Brylee just wanted feed the pigs carrots, but the were sleeping. So her and Jord fed them to the horses and goats.

Josh, Brylee(not wanting to take a picture), Lisa, Jackson, Connie, Hunter Jordan, Grandma

Beach Time Cousin Heather joined us for some time at the beach. Josh and the kids were having fun trying to catch crabs. Hunter thought he had caught one, it was a rock, but he was way excited.

Last September 11 we loss Josh's grandpa, so went out to see his tomb stone. He was an amazing teacher, so the school planted a tree in his memory outside of his classroom window. We love and miss him!

Heading Home!

I love this picture, so sweet!
